Soil Test Interpretation
What do all the numbers and columns mean and how can they help you determine how to increase your crop yield while managing your inputs? If you have test results, we can analyze the data and make recommendations.

Soil Sampling
Sampling soil doesn't have to take up your time and energy. We can facilitate professional sampling, shipping the samples to the lab, and forwarding the results. That's a few less things for you to worry about.

Agricultural Training
Do you need knowledgable educators to transfer skills and best practices to farmer groups? From Soil Fertility to organic production standards, from IPM to GMCCs, we offer a large range of workshops for farmer groups, from theory to practice, with experience working with translators.

Production Planning
Confused how to produce for a market demand? Need assistance on how to improve crop scheduling? Production planning can go a long way to balancing seasons of deficit and surplus, and more accurately meeting the needs of your markets.

Soil Research
Citizen research is coming into its own through crowd funding and open source journals. All it takes is a great question and experimental design expertise. From literature reviews to publishable designs, let's implement and write-up ground breaking research.
Ready to dig deeper?
Don't hesitate to see if Soil International can assist you in your soil and crop production issues. We're here to find solutions that work for you and your soil.