2017. Acta Hortic. Productivity of Moringa oleifera augmented with intercropped tropical legumes, T.N. Motis, J.M. Longfellow, A.D. Jani, B.J. Lingbeek, C.J. D’Aiuto and J.C.J. Bergen.
2017. SSSA Conference Poster. Tropical Legumes Assessed for Soil Improvement in Southern Africa. Timothy Motis, Joy Longfellow, Arun Jani, Christopher D’Aiuto, Brandon Lingbeek.
2017. SSSA Conference Poster. Maize and Legume Interactions in a Multi-Species Relay Cropping System in Southern Africa. Arun Jani, Timothy Motis, Joy Longfellow, Christopher D’Aiuto.
2016. ESRI. Stem and GIS in Higher Education: Chapter 12: Estimating Statewide Soil Moisture. Jeffrey G. White, Christopher J. D’Aiuto, Joshua L. Heitman.
2013. ECHO. ECHO Technical Note 78: Zai Pit System. Tim Motis, Christopher D’Aiuto, Brandon Lingbeek.
2012. ECHO. ECHO Development Note 114: Tolerance of Moringa oleifera to Freeze Events. Tim Motis & Christopher D’Aiuto.
2007. GSA’s Joint South-Central and North-Central Sections, 41st Annual Meeting Conference Poster. Reconnaissance Petrology of THE Late Cretaceous McDermott Formation, SW Colorado. WEGERT, Daniel J., CAMPBELL, Ryan, D'AIUTO, Christopher, DIXON, Alexander, DUBUISSON, Lauren, PASQUELLA, Anthony, PRITCHARD, Jessica, and PARKER, Don F.